Angelo Matteo Caglioti

Max Weber Fellow, History and Civilization
University of California, Berkeley
European University Institute, Florence, Italy
CSTMS Research Unit: Office for the History of Science and Technology, CSTMS
DissertationMeteorological Imperialism: Colonialism and the Making of Meteorology in Liberal and Fascist Italy (1870-1940).
Advisor(s)Massimo Mazzotti
Degrees Ph.D. History with a Designated Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies (STS) :: University of California, Berkeley (2017)
M.A. History :: University of California, Berkeley (2013)
Laurea triennale (2009) and Magistrale (2011) in History :: Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)

Research Areas

Science and colonialism (19th-20th century), particularly history of meteorology and climatology. I am also interested in the history of history of statistics, eugenics, and social theory; and the production of scientific expertise and authority. Late Modern Europe and History of Science

Peer-reviewed articles:

“From Lombroso to Fascism: Race, Statistics and Eugenics in Alfredo Niceforo’s Trajectory (1876-1960)” European History Quarterly, forthcoming spring 2017.

“Eugenics as Social Observation: Anthropology, Statistics and the Pursuit of ‘Objectivity’ in Alfredo Niceforo’s Thought (1876-1960)” Popolazione e Storia, v. 17, 1 (2016), pp. 73-89.

“La Nazione Armata di Guglielmo Pepe” Clio 2 (2011), pp. 185-212.

Journal issues edited:

Caglioti and Martin Mahony (eds.),“Special Issue: Relocating Meteorology” History of Meteorology, forthcoming spring 2017.

last updated: September 14th, 2017