Spencer Adams

University of California, Berkeley
CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies, Designated Emphasis in STS
Affiliation period: January 2018 -
Advisor(s)Nasser Zakariya
Degrees B.A. Physics :: Amherst College (2013)

Research Areas

philosophy of science, critical theory, new materialisms and non-human ontologies, 20th and 21st century physical sciences, literature & science

I am a 2nd year PhD student in the Rhetoric department, pursuing designated emphases in critical theory and in science & technology studies. I came to the Rhetoric department with an interest in bringing a background in Physics to a study of philosophy, literature, and critical theory. My work thus far as a PhD has had two primary focuses. First, I'm interested in the reception of modern physics and its implications for critical theorizations of space, time, and knowledge production. I am also interested in the ways that literature can be taken up as an object of theoretical import within discussions in the history and philosophy of science. I hope, going forward, to bring these lines of thought to a consideration of a practice of science that, among other things, responds to the Frankfurt School's work critiquing instrumental reason.

last updated: April 17th, 2020