Call for New Organizers of STS Summer School

September 21st, 2016  |  Published in Latest news

On August 20th and 21st, CSTMS brought together scholars from around the Bay Area and beyond for an STS summer school.  At Framing the Infinite: The Social Sciences of Space and Cosmology, graduate students, early career academics, and established scholars—both in and outside the Academy—had the opportunity to interact and learn from each other.

Each day began with a different theme for presented papers. The themes varied from astronomy, music, art history of celestial patterns, and technological innovation. As the weekend was also intended to encourage students and recent PhDs to consider how to navigate the professional exigencies of our field, the summer school included skill-based workshops. Our participants tackled questions of communication and collaboration across disciplinary lines, the role of different media in supporting and conveying research, and the responsibilities of STS scholars to the public.

Conference organizers look forward to continuing these discussions, as well as advancing inter-institutional relationships among California STS programs, by preparing to repeat the summer school as an annual or biennial event.

If you are interested in learning more or participating in an new organizational committee, please reach out to




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