Take a Spring Course at GTU: Theology & Technology

October 26th, 2016  |  Published in Latest news

What do E. O. Lawrence’s cyclotrons in the Berkeley hills have to do with Christian eschatology? At the Graduate Theological Union this spring, the master-level course RSST 3784 will be dedicated to examining the interplay of theology and new technologies. This course will examine how theologians view “technology” in general, how specific technologies have affected theology, what challenges to areas of theology that new technologies pose, and whether there are theological or quasi-theological views sacralizing technologies. This class will include readings from prominent theologians, including Karl Rahner, Thomas Merton, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Hans Jonas, Jurgen Moltmann and the GTU’s own Ted Peters. It will also include texts from social theorists thinking about the relationship between faith and theology, including Jacques Ellul, Michel Foucault, John Staudenmaier and Lynn White, Jr. This course is intended for master-level students, though doctoral students can enroll with permission. For further information, please email Levi Checketts at lchecketts@ses.gtu.edu

Students can register by obtaining a cross-registration form from the Cal registrar. After getting the required signatures from parties at Cal, they will have to go to the GTU registrar’s office, located on the third floor of 2465 LeConte Ave (two blocks north of North Gate) and talk to John Seal for a final signature.

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