Members of the Science FARE (Feminist Anti-Racist Equity) Collective, including CSTMS’ Charis Thompson, wrote a letter to philanthropists Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, who last month announced their first major investment in basic science: US$600 million for a Biohub in San Francisco, California.
Biohub collaborates with three of the world’s leaders in biomedical and engineering innovation: University of California, Berkeley, University of California, San Francisco and Stanford. Biohub is committed to solving the world’s biggest problems—together. They find and invest in the best and brightest scientists and create environments for true and free-flowing collaboration.
The FARE Collective aspire to ‘advance human potential and promote equality’ ( The Feminist Anti-Racist Equity collective hopes the health-research budget will be used to implement values of justice and equality. Additionally, irrespective of class, gender, race, or disabilities, health research should include trained people from all social backgrounds and offer affordable treatments and access to all.
Authors of the letter are:
Jessica Cussins Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Kate Weatherford Darling University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA.
Ugo Edu San Francisco State University, California, USA.
Laura Mamo San Francisco State University, California, USA.
Jenny Reardon University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA. Charis Thompson* University of California, Berkeley, California, USA; and London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.