27 Apr 2017
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
470 Stephens Hall
Event Type
Master Class
Rebecca Lemov
Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University
Please join us next Thursday, April 27th for a discussion with Colloquium speaker, Rebecca Lemov regarding her paper, “A Violent Behavior Database: Episodes in the History of Pre-Crime, 1969-1973.” The following paper explores a data-driven experimental research center at UCLA, one that foundered under political protest in the 1970s for one set of reasons, but that advanced a set of ideas, and, perhaps more critically, a set of technologies and expectations, that have become increasingly influential in the area of crime prevention, or what is often called predictive policing.
Please RSVP by Monday, April 24, 2017. Lunch will be provided for RSVP guests only.
Additional sponsorship comes from: CSTMS