Master Class: Designing Jane Jacobs’ Digital Cities

27 Sep 2016
12:00 pm

470 Stephens Hall

Event Type
Master Class

Few have been more prescient in understanding the networked nature of cities, and the complex and subtle way people and information work together to create urban life, than Jane Jacobs. Historian of urban computing Jennifer Light and Jane Jacobs scholar Peter Laurence join us for a masterclass that will discuss the data and technical methods that can be used to build the personal experiences at the core of Jane Jacobs’ vision for cities. We’ll be taking an close look at the digital technologies currently used in city planning and considering what new tools are needed to achieve our urban planning goals. As we investigate this topic further, we’ll also touch on exactly how cities function with such a layer of networked communication.
Moderated by BCNM Director and Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Nicholas de Monchaux, this masterclass is open to current UC Berkeley faculty and graduate students. We welcome participation from all disciplines: the conversation will explore the engineering, design, ethical, and political implications, among others, of the “smart” city.
Please register here to attend and receive the readings accompanying the class.


Event Co-sponsored by the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society, the Global Urban Initiative, and the School of Information’s Center for Technology, Society, and Policy

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