Workshop in History of Greek Mathematics

27 Oct 2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Stanford University

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Twenty years ago, in 1997, Wilbur Knorr of Stanford University passed away. Everyone who studies Greek mathematics today, does so following Knorr’s footsteps. Contemporary scholars concentrate on what mattered to the ancient mathematicians themselves – and no longer suppose that those mathematicians had to pursue any philosophical agenda. Instead, contemporary scholarship concentrates on the practices, the problems, and the texts, of the extant Greek mathematical works. We gather in Stanford a group of historians to a Workshop in the History of Greek Mathematics, in honor of Knorr’s crucial contributions.

Organized by Professor Reviel Netz. Participants are:

  • • Michael Fried (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
  • • Henry Mendell (California State University)
  • • Stephen Menn (Humboldt University, Berlin)
  • • Reviel Netz (Stanford University)
  • • Marco Panza (CNRS IHPST)
  • • Ken Saito (Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka Japan)
  • • Nathan Sidoli (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)

Co-sponsored by Stanford University’s Classics Department, Math Department, and Patrick Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science.


This workshop will be held in the Classics Building 110, Room 112, at Stanford University.

This event is sponsored by: Stanford University

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