Andreas Sundström

Visiting Scholar

Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer in Accounting, Stockholm University
Stockholm University
CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies, Office for the History of Science and Technology
Affiliation period: August 2016 - November 2016
Degrees Ph.D. Accounting :: Stockholm University (2015)
M.Sc. Accounting and Business Administration :: Stockholm University (2010)

Research Areas

Social Studies of Accounting; STS ‘turn to ontology’; Commensuration; Valuation Studies.

Andreas researches the ontological significance of accounting practices, exploring situated enactments of representational links between numbers and organizational realities. His PhD is based on praxiographic fieldwork in a theatre company, studying tensions between arts performance and organizational performance in managerial practices. A key concern in his research refers to how ontological tensions (e.g. singularity-multiplicity, stability-fluidity) are organized.


Andreas has previously been a visiting research student at London School of Economics & Political Science (2015) and at Copenhagen Business School (2013). His paper ‘Framing numbers at a distance: Intangible performance reporting in a theatre’ was awarded ‘Best paper award’ at the EIASM 2011 Workshop on Intangibles and also received the 2012 ‘Emerald outstanding paper award’.

last updated: June 29th, 2020