
Undergraduate and Graduate education are a core activity of CSTMS. Please see our CSTMS course listing here.


Undergraduate Education

Our major undergraduate initiative is the Course Thread in Sciences & Society.  Rather than a dedicated degree, a Course Thread is an opportunity for Berkeley undergraduates to trace intellectual themes — in our case the relationship between the social, the technical, and the scientific — as they wind their way through multiple departments on campus.  More information about the Course thread can be found here, and also on the Townsend Center’s website.


Graduate Education

PhD Graduate Field in History of Science

CSTMS, and in particular, the Office for the History of Science and Technology, works with the Department of History to offer a PhD Graduate Field in History of Science.  Students must apply to the Department of History to take this graduate field.   For more information, please see the OHST website.



PhD Designated Emphasis in Science & Technology Studies

The Designated Emphasis in Science & Technology Studies is open to all PhD students from any department or professional school at Berkeley.  The DE places more emphasis on the contemporary relationship between how we know, what we make, and how we function as a society.  Upon completion of all requirements and the dissertation, your transcript and diploma will read “PhD in [Home Department] with Designated Emphasis in STS.”  More information can be found here.

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