Professor & Dean of Graduate Studies, Humanities (CCA)
University of California, Berkeley
California College of the Arts
Frederick M. Dolan taught at UC-Berkeley in the areas of philosophy, political theory, aesthetics, and hermeneutics. He studied and taught for several years in Irvine, New York, Princeton, and Paris, and earned his Ph.D. from the Program in Political Philosophy at Princeton University. His primary interests are the relationship of modern political theory to the philosophical tradition and its critics, modernity and post-modernity, the worldly dimensions of imaginative literature, Western religious and spiritual discourses, American political theory, philosophy, literature, film, hermeneutics, and aesthetics (he has an M.F.A. from UC Irvine).
Frederick M. Dolan retired from Berkeley in 2006 to become Dean of Graduate Studies at the California College of the Arts, where he is now Professor of Humanities.
last updated: December 7th, 2017