Greta Marchesi

PhD Designated Emphasis in STS

PhD Candidate, Geography
University of California, Berkeley
CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies
Affiliation period: January 2013 -

Research Areas

Environmental history; global environmental politics; knowledge production; spatial theory; environmental governance; frontiers and indigeneity; soil; agriculture.

Greta Marchesi studies emergent forms of knowledge that follow new governance regimes. She studies scientific and popular media in tandem with bureaucratic records to ask how transnational science is diversely mobilized in- and informed by- different political contexts. Presently, this work takes the form of two projects: 1) a study of scientific soil conservation in Mexico, Colombia, and the United States in the reformist era of the 1930s and 2) an exploration of the global links between social ecology, racial science, and anti-imperialism in the early 20th century.

last updated: March 20th, 2018