Mauricio Najarro

PhD Designated Emphasis in STS

Medical Anthropology,

CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies, Designated Emphasis in STS
Affiliation period: November 2017 -
Degrees PhD Theological and Religious Studies :: Graduate Theological Union (2019)
Concurrent MA Philosophy/MA Theology :: Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology (2013)
BA Philosophy :: Williams College (2005)

Research Areas

Chemical sociality, nonsecular medical anthropology, mediatization, anthropology of addiction and recovery

Mauricio Najarro is a PhD Candidate in the Joint UC Berkeley-UCSF Medical Anthropology program with a Designated Emphasis in Science & Technology Studies. He also holds a PhD in Theological and Religious Studies with an Emphasis in Christian Spirituality from the Graduate Theological Union. His first dissertation focuses on the phenomenological and political contributions of Michel de Certeau and Simone Weil. His current research is on the opioid epidemic in the borderlands of Indian Punjab. He is interested in understanding how journalists, psychiatrists, and lay people construct notions of bodies, drugs, and desires in clinics, recovery groups, and news reporting and how such notions shape attitudes, interventions, and associations between science and religion in northern India.

last updated: April 21st, 2020