Affiliation period: March 2014 - March 2015
Degrees |
:: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
(2009) BA :: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2000) |
Research Areas
Mònica's PhD focused on sixteenth-century woman’s spirituality. Recently, she has been working on psychical research, especially in France and Spain. She investigates the relations between science and religion, taking into account the social contexts in which the controversy over psychical phenomena occurred.
Research Topics:
Psychical research, Parapsychology, Science and Religion at the beginnings of the Twenty Century; Early Modern History; History of the Modern Self; Sixteenth-Century Woman’s Spirituality.
Selected Current Papers:
MÜLBERGER, A.: BALLTONDRE, M. and GRAUS, A. Aims of teachers’ psychometry: Intelligence testing in Barcelona (1920). History of Psychology, Aug 5, 2013[online first publication, no pagination specified].
MÜLBERGER, A. and BALLTONDRE, M. (2013). En el umbral de lo desconocido: Uncaso de visiónextraordinaria en la España de Primo de Rivera. Dynamis. Acta Hisp. Med. Sci. Hist. Illus. Dynamis, 33 (1), 195-216.
MÜLBERGER, A. and BALLTONDRE, M. (2012). Metapsychics in Spain: Acknowledging or questioning the marvelous?,History of the Human Sciences, 25(2),108-130.
BALLTONDRE, M. (2011). El papel de la oración en la subjetividad espiritual cristiana
delsiglo XVI. Estudios de psicologia, 32 (3), 375-388
Selected Book:
Balltondre, M. Éxtasis y visiones. La experiencia contemplativa de Teresa de Ávila (Barcelona: Erasmus Ediciones, 2012)
last updated: April 12th, 2020