Nuno Martins

Visiting Scholar

Research Fellow, PMH, CSTMS, University of California Berkeley

CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies, PMH, CSTMS
Affiliation period: March 2023 -
Degrees Ph.D. Science :: University of Minho (2016)
B.S. Mathematics :: University of Minho (2004)

Research Areas

Nanotechnology, neuroscience, brain cloud interface systems, longevity, consciousness

Dr. Martins is a visiting scholar at the University of California Berkeley, in the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society. He is a scientist, innovator, entrepreneur and international speaker. As a scientist and an innovator, he is interested in technological developments with potential to solve humanity’s most challenging problems in healthcare, education, and work. He is currently focused on new technologies aiming to increase healthy human lifespan. Between 2016 and 2019, he was an affiliated researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, looking at applications of nanotechnology for curing brain disorders.  Dr. Martins’ scientific work has involved collaborations within various universities, including the University of California San Diego, University of Miami, Duke University, Moscow State Medical University, Purdue University, Monash University, among others.

last updated: October 9th, 2023