Lisa Allette Brooks

Research Fellow, CSTMS
University of California, Berkeley
CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies
Advisor(s)Robert Goldman and Lawrence Cohen


Ph.D. South & Southeast Asian Studies (Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Designated Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies) :: University of California, Berkeley

M.A. Religious Studies :: University of Colorado Boulder

M.A. African Studies :: Yale University

B.A. Human Biology :: Stanford University


Lisa Allette Brooks studies the history and practice of medicine and healing in first millennium South Asia and contemporary Āyurvedic medicine in Kerala. Her research focuses on gendered medical embodiment, expertise, and agency, the relationship between normative texts and practice in the past and present, sensory technologies, and interspecies medicine. Her published work addresses knowledge and the senses in medical practice, surgical tactility in early Āyurvedic medicine, and the history and practice of leech therapy in India. Lisa recently completed her PhD in South and Southeast Asian Studies with Designated Emphases in Science and Technology Studies, and in Women, Gender, and Sexuality at UC Berkeley and she is currently a Research Fellow at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society.

last updated: May 24th, 2024