Maeve Cooke

Professor, Philosophy
University College Dublin
Royal Irish Academy
CSTMS Research Unit: Berkeley Program in Science and Technology Studies

Maeve Cooke is Professor of Philosophy at University College Dublin, Ireland and a member of the Royal Irish Academy. Her current work focuses on the question of truth (intrinsic value) in social and political theory, with particular attention to debates on religion and politics. Her principal book publications are Language and Reason: A Study of Habermas’s Pragmatics (MIT Press, 1994) and Re-Presenting the Good Society (MIT Press, 2006). She is editor and translator of Habermas: On the Pragmatics of Communication (MIT Press, 1998) and has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and books, mainly in the areas of social and political philosophy. In 2011-12 she is a Fulbright scholar, with appointments as Visiting Scholar at Yale University and University of California, Berkeley.

Her work at STSC is guided by two questions: i) how to conceptualize value in sciences studies; ii) how to make room for the material aspects of human action within a critical account of individual human freedom.


last updated: May 31st, 2012