Interruptions: Sciences, Feminisms, Knowledges

Friday - Saturday
18 Apr - 19 Apr 2014

470 Stephens Hall

Event Type

Feminist Theorists have intervened, interfered, and interrupted the sciences in many ways over the past several decades. On the one hand, new areas and approaches in science have emerged out of these interruptions; for example, in the fields of molecular biology and neuroscience new approaches in the genetics of sex and the understanding of brain activity have come out of introducing sex and gender analysis into scientific research. On the other hand, the sciences have also disrupted, shifted, and changed feminist theories; for example, the nascent field of “feminist materialisms” partially arose out of a re-reading of quantum mechanics. This conference seeks to explore a broad range of these interruptions in order to think through the kinds of knowledge they produce.

The conference engages feminist and STS perspectives in the questions raised by the encounters between, among, in, through, and of sciences and feminisms.

This conference is free and open to the public.

The presentation submissions are now closed.

Schedule of Events:

Friday, April 18                           

9:00-9:10    Welcoming

9:10-10:45    More-than-Human Sciences

Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger, “Earthquakes, Sociologists and Social Science Disaster Research (1949-1979): A ‘Feminist History of Knowledge’-Interruption”

Ekin Yasin, “Save 25% on gold standard mice: Re-thinking animal agency in light of global commodity/species use for cancer research”

Xan Chacko, “The Esopus and the Anthracnose: A multispecies re-envisioning of scientific illustration”

10:45 -11:00          Break

11:00-12:15   Interrupting Education

Doris Arztmann, Teresa Wintersteller, Veronika Wöhrer, “Children Producing Social Science Knowledges”

Emily York, “Self-Assembly and Sympoiesis: positing a ‘critical nanoengineering’ practice and pedagogy”

Rebecca Davis, “A Literature Review of Women in STEM and Feminist Standpoint Theory”

12:15-1:30   LUNCH

1:30 -3:15   Digital disruptions

Darshan Elena Campos and Kiem Sie:  “Education inside the Panopticon: Teaching and Learning with Digital Technologies”

Ellen Foster, “Hacking, Tinkering and the Appropriation of Feminist Epistemologies by ‘Maker’ cultures: Who’s appropriating who?”

Jeramy DeCristo : “Black Sonic Materiality and the Residues of Performance”

Rebecca Carbery : “Trans* and Inter*: Beyond transgender and intersex through new digital media”

3:15 -3:30   Break

3:30-5:00    Re/garding Reproduction

Camisha Russell: “Using STS as a Feminist Approach to Questions of Race in Assisted Reproduction”

Jessica Neasbitt, “On Conversations with Archival Silences: Using Feminist Social Documentary Practices to Decenter Narratives of Medical/Technological Histories”

Melania Moscoso Pérez, “ Cripwashing : Disability Rights and the Current Debates on Voluntary termination of Pregnancy in Spain”

Stephanie de Smale, “RE: Production. Exploring affective mechanisms in the biomediated reproductive body”

5:00 -5:15    Break

5:15-6:45     Keynote Lecture

Angela Willey, “Biopossibility: A queer feminist materialist science studies manifesto, with special reference to the question of monogamy”

Respondent: Kimberly Tallbear

Saturday, April 19                           

9:00-10:30   BBRG Panel: Technologies of Reproducing Communities

Doris Leibetseder, “Reproducing Queer Communities”

Lotta Kähkönen, “Rethinking Community through Gender-Crossing Narratives: An Interplay between Narrative Studies and New Feminist Materialisms”

Nolwenn Bühler, “Making community on an internet infertility forum: transience, feelings and ambivalent belongings”

Tomomi Kinukawa, “Medical activism, transformative justice, and queer reproduction of Korean diaspora communities in Cold War Japan”

10:30-10:45            Break

10:45 -12:00           Minding Discordances

Anna Starshinina, “Time and biology: rhythms as signifiers of difference”

Kristina Knoll, “Curing Trauma: A “Relational Autonomy” & Feminist Disability Studies Analysis”

Nadia Gaber, “Memory, Materiality, and Science’s Spectres”

12:00-1:15   LUNCH

1:15-2:30 Taxonomic Interferences

Christoph Hanssmann: “The Lively Clinic and the Classificatory Tome: Trans Health Practice and the Science of the Diagnostic Category”

Eric Plemons: “Bodies Unknown: Negotiating Forms in the Practice of Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery”

Zakiyyah Jackson: “Organs of War: The Art of Wangechi Mutu”

2:30 -2:45    Break

2:45- 4:00    Disrupting Colonial Onto-epistemologies

Katja Pettinen, “Interrupting Scientism through Feminist Anthropology: Situating the Senses within the World”

Ryan Rhadigan, “The Land That Bred Us: Food, Epigenetics and Ethics of Human-Nonhuman Interrelation in the Poetry of Heid Erdrich”

Banu Subramaniam, “Now You See it, Now You Don’t! The Onto-Epistemological Illusions of Matter”

4:00-4:15    Break

4:15-5:30    Alternative Storytellings

Karen de Vries, “Prodigal Siblings and Children of the Future”

Martha Kenney and Ruth Müller, “Fables of Response-ability:  Agency, Vulnerability and Justice in Environmental Epigenetics”

Michelle Garvey,” Constructing Climate Resilient Natures: Material Feminisms and Ecological Restoration”

5:30-5:45    Break

5:45 6:50     Keynote Lecture

Natasha Myers, “Articulating Plant Sentience: Affective Ecologies and the Involutionary Arts of Botanical Experimentation”

6:50 -7:00   Closing Remarks


Conference organization:
Harlan Weaver
Veronica Sanz

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  Li Ka Shing Program in Gender and Science

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