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Faculty & Fellows

Vincanne Adams

Professor, Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

University of California, San Francisco

Amani M. Allen

Associate Professor, School of Public Health

Morgan G. Ames
Associate Director of Research and Chair of the Designated Emphasis in STS

Assistant Adjunct Professor, School of Information

Nicholas Baer

Assistant Professor, German

David Bates

Professor, Department of Rhetoric

Charles Briggs

Alan Dundes Distinguished Professor, Anthropology

Lisa Allette Brooks

Research Fellow, CSTMS

Clair Brown

Professor, Department of Economics

Chair, Center for Work, Technology and Society, Institute of Industrial Relations

Jenna Burrell

Associate Professor, iSchool

William Burton

Assistant Professor, French

Cathryn Carson

Professor, History

James Casey

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Mel Chen

Associate Professor, Department of Gender & Women's Studies

Youjin Chung

Assistant Professor, Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Adele Clarke

Professor Emerita of Sociology & Adjunct Professor Emerita of History of Health Sciences, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

University of California, San Francisco

Lawrence Cohen

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Elena Conis

Professor, School of Journalism

Marianne Constable

Professor, Department of Rhetoric

Brian Dolan

Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

Director, Graduate Programs in History of Health Sciences

Director, UC Medical Humanities Consortium

University of California, San Francisco

Frederick Dolan

Professor Emeritus, Department of Rhetoric (UCB)

Professor & Dean of Graduate Studies, Humanities (CCA)

California College of the Arts

John A. Douglass

Senior Research Fellow, Center for Studies in Higher Education

Sandra Eder

Associate Professor, Department of History

Director, MEDS

Daniel Farber

Sato Sho Professor of Law, Boalt School of Law

Faculty Co-Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Mark Fleming

Assistant Professor of Health and Social Behavior, School of Public Health

Marion Fourcade

Professor, Department of Sociology

Jacob Gaboury

Assistant Professor, Film & Media

Evelyn Nakano Glenn

Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies

Professor, Department of Gender and Women's Studies

Director, Center for Race and Gender

Kenneth Goldberg

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Deborah Gordon

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

University of California, San Francisco

Bronwyn Hall

Professor Emerita, Department of Economics

Jodi Halpern

Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, School of Public Health and the Joint Medical Program

Carisa Harris
CSTMS Faculty Affiliate

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Director, Ergonomics Graduate Training Program

University of California, San Francisco

John Harte

Professor, Energy and Resources Group

Cori Hayden

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Seth M. Holmes

Martin Sisters Endowed Chair, Associate Professor, School of Public Health

Co-Director, MD/PhD Track in Medical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology

Co-Chair, Berkeley Center for Social Medicine

Elizabeth Hoover
CSTMS Faculty Affiliate

Associate Professor, Environmental Science Policy and Management

Alastair Iles
Associate Director, STSC

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks

Professor, Departments of Demography and Sociology

Donna V. Jones

Associate Professor, Department of English

Rosemary Joyce

Professor, Anthropology

William Kastenberg

Professor Emeritus, Department of Nuclear Engineering

Sharon Kaufman

Chair, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine, UCSF

University of California, San Francisco

Shreeharsh Kelkar
CSTMS Faculty Affiliate

Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies Field

Ann Keller

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health

Kelly Knight

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, History, and Social Medicine & Global Health Sciences University of California, San Francisco

Jake Kosek

Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Akash Kumar

Assistant Professor, Italian Studies

Thomas Laqueur

Co-Director, PMH

Professor Emeritus, Department of History

John E. Lesch

Professor Emeritus, Department of History

John Lie

C.K. Cho Professor, Department of Sociology

Kristin Luker

Professor, Boalt School of Law

Professor, Department of Sociology

Michael Mascarenhas

Associate Professor, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Maria Mavroudi

Professor, Department of History

Professor, Department of Classics

Massimo Mazzotti

Professor, Department of History

Director, PhD Designated Emphasis in STS

Director, OHST

Tom McEnaney
CSTMS Faculty Affiliate

Associate Professor, Comparative Literature and Spanish & Portuguese

Aimee Medeiros
Affiliated Faculty

Assistant Professor, History of Health Sciences

University of California, San Francisco

Carolyn Merchant

Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Minoo Moallem

Professor, Department of Gender and Women's Studies

Rachel Morello-Frosch

Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management

Professor, School of Public Health

Deirdre K. Mulligan

Associate Professor, School of Information

Greg Niemeyer

Associate Professor, Department of Art Practice

Aihwa Ong

Professor, Department of Anthropology , East & Southeast Asian Studies

Blum Program in Developing Economies , Global Metropolitan Studies

Nancy Lee Peluso

Henry J. Vaux Distinguished Professor of Forest Policy, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Thomas M. Philip
Faculty Affiliate

Professor, Graduate School of Education

Dorothy Porter

Professor, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

University of California, San Francisco

Michele Pridmore-Brown
Research Fellow

Editor and Manager of the Science and Technology Section, Los Angeles Review of Books

Paul Rabinow

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Leigh Raiford

Associate Professor, Department of African American Studies

Francesca Rochberg

Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies

Christine Rosen

Associate Professor, Haas School of Business

Associate Director, Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry

Caitlin Rosenthal

Assistant Professor, History

Pamela Samuelson

Professor, iSchool

Professor, Boalt School of Law

Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology

AnnaLee Saxenian

Dean, iSchool

Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning

Nathan Sayre

Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Harry N. Scheiber

Professor, Boalt School of Law

Director, Institute for Legal Research

Director, Sho Sato Program in Japanese and U.S. Law

Nancy Scheper-Hughes

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Director, Organs Watch

Jonathan Sheehan

Professor, History

Janet Shim

Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

University of California, San Francisco

Brandi Thompson Summers

Assistant Professor, Geography and Global Metropolitan Studies

Timothy Tangherlini
CSTMS Faculty Affiliate

Professor, Department of Scandinavian

Graduate Advisor, Folklore Program

David J. Teece

Professor, Haas School of Business

Director, Institute for Business Innovation

Faculty Director, Institute for Business Innovation

Nancy Van House

Emerita Professor, School of Information

Sarah Vaughn

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

Stacey Van Vleet

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Elizabeth Watkins

Professor, Anthropology, History and Social Medicine

University of California, San Francisco

Steven Weber

Professor, Department of Political Science

Professor, School of Information

Ashton Wesner
CSTMS Research Fellow

David Winickoff
Former Director, Berkeley Program in STS and PhD Designated Emphasis in STS (2011-2017)

Former Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Michael Wintroub

Associate Professor, Department of Rhetoric

Alexei Yurchak

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Nasser Zakariya

Assistant Professor, Department of Rhetoric

Hannah Zeavin
CSTMS Faculty

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Assistant Professor, The Berkeley Center for New Media