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Research Fellows

Lisa Allette Brooks

Research Fellow, CSTMS

Laura Draetta
Research Fellow

Associate Professor, Telecom Paris Tech Graduate School, Paris, France

Research Fellow, Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation, CNRS/ Telecom Paris Tech/ Mines Paris Tech. Ecole Polytechnique

Affiliated Researcher, Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development Research Center, UQAM, Montreal, Canada.

Sam Weiss Evans
Research Fellow

Research Assistant Professor, Program on Science, Technology, and Society, Tufts University

Research Fellow, Program on Science, Technology & Society, Harvard University

Research Affiliate, Program on Emerging Technology, MIT

Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University

Gretchen Gano
Research Fellow

Institute for Social Science Research

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michele Pridmore-Brown
Research Fellow

Editor and Manager of the Science and Technology Section, Los Angeles Review of Books

Ashton Wesner
Research Fellow

Visiting Faculty, Department of History