4th Annual Stem Cell Research Policy and Ethics Symposium is Now Open

21 Feb 2017
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

470 Stephens Hall

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Presented by UC Davis Bioethics Program

Registration is free but required. Deadline is February 14, 2015 by 12 pm. Send response with contact information to Gloria Camacho at gcamacho@ucdavis.edu.


9:00 AM Registration Opens

9:30 AM Welcome and Introduction

9:35 AM Stem Cells in the Clinic: Patient Stories and the State of the Science that Frames Them

10:45 AM Break

11:00 AM Keynote Address: Insoo Hyun, PhD, Case Western Reserve University

12:00 PM Lunch provided

1:00 PM Regenerative Medicine: Challenges of Commercialization

2:15 PM Stem Cells and Responsible Science Communication

3:30 PM Panel and Audience Discussion

4:00 PM Adjournment