Author Meets Critics: “Voices in the Code”

10 Oct 2022
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Social Science Matrix

Event Type
Book Talk

Join us on October 10 for an “Authors Meet Critics” panel about the book Voices in the Code: A Story About People, Their Values, and the Algorithm They Made, by David Robinson, a visiting scholar at Social Science Matrix and a member of the faculty at Apple University. Robinson will be joined in conversation by Iason Gabriel, a Staff Research Scientist at DeepMind, and Deirdre Mulligan, Professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information.

Social Science Matrix is located on the eighth floor of the Social Sciences Building (formerly Barrows Hall), on the southern edge of the UC Berkeley campus. The elevator to our entrance is located on the east end of the building. You can alternately take an elevator to the seventh floor and come up the stairs. Please note that in-person attendees will be required to comply with campus COVID-19 protocols.

For more information, please visit

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS • Social Science Matrix
Social Science Matrix

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