Medium/Environment Conference

Friday - Saturday
27 Apr - 28 Apr 2018

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Berkeley Film and Media’s 4th biennial conference seeks to bring together leading international media theorists working on questions of “environmental media” broadly conceived. In recent years, ecological crises stemming from technological transformations under the force of global capital have fueled an “environmental” turn in the humanities and social sciences. Less attention, however, has been devoted to the question of how “medium” and “environment” have become increasingly imbricated. As part of this mutual transformation between medium and environment the cinema has undergone its own reconstitution. See the conference locations and schedule at

In response to these changes, and with the future of film and media studies in mind, the Department of Film & Media is hosting an international conference on the theme of “Medium/Environment”.  conference is interested in rethinking medium and environment as expanded terms, considering both the critical purchase and potential limits of their theoretical, historiographical, aesthetic, and political implications. This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Film & Media and BCNM.

Conference participants include: Anna McCarthy (New York University), Antonio Somaini (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3), Francesco Casetti (Yale University), Florian Sprenger (Goethe University Frankfurt), Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Jonathan Sterne (McGill University), Lisa Parks (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Marisa Brandt (Michigan State University), Marc Steinberg (Concordia University), Rahul Mukherjee (University of Pennsylvania), Reinhold Martin (Columbia University), Tung-Hui Hu (University of Michigan), and Yuriko Furuhata (McGill University).

Department of Film & Media
This event is sponsored by: Berkeley Center for New Media • Department of Film & Media

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