Circular Economy in the Textile Industry: a European Perspective

28 Mar 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Type
Special Event

Circular Economy in the Textile Industry: a European Perspective

Lecture | March 28 | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. |  Zoom

 Thomas Gries, Professor of Textile Engineering, RWTH University of Aachen

 Maria Elvira Callapez, Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society; Jeroen Dewulf, Director, Institute of European Studies

 Institute of European StudiesCenter for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society

EU consumers discard about 11 kg of textiles per person per year. Despite the high environmental impact of textile production, 73% of the materials used to produce clothing is currently thermally recycled or landfilled. This presentation will highlight the challenges, opportunities and technical innovation for a circular economy in the textile industry in Europe.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact Ray Savord at or 510-643-4558 with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

 Register online

 Ray Savord,,  510-643-4558

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS • Institute of European Studies
Institute of European Studies