Crowdsourcing and the Academy

6 Nov 2015
8:30 am - 2:00 pm

International House, Sproul Rooms

Event Type
Cloud and the Crowd

Daren Brabham
Assistant Professor, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California

Exploring promises and problems of collective intelligence methods in humanities and social science research

A symposium at the University of California, Berkeley in International House, Sproul Rooms

Organized by the Humanities and Social Sciences Association (HSSA)

The symposium will explore the premises, promises, and risks of crowdsourcing in the social sciences and humanities.  Long the arena of industry, and more recently, the physical sciences, the humanities and social sciences increasingly are turning to networked knowledge production, enabling new scales and modes of public participation in academic research. The half-day event will open with an introductory keynote presentation, followed by two panels, and close with a buffet lunch. The first panel will feature scholars who are working on crowdsourcing projects; the second panel will offer analysis of the cultural and social implications of this method.

THIS EVENT IS FREE! Due to limited seating, attendees will be required to pay a refundable $10 place holding fee. This ensures that as many people as possible have the opportunity to participate. On the day after the symposium, the $10 holding fee will be refunded to participants who have attended the event.  Therefore, please make sure to register. Register Here Now!


8:30-9:00am     Registration

9:00-9:10am     Introduction, Isabell Stamm, co-organizer, HSSA

9:10-10:00am    Keynote,

10:00-11:30am  Panel 1, Talking from Experience

  • Moderated by Lina Eklund, co-organizer, HSSA
  • “The Adventures of Hashtag the Snail” Ioana Literat, Assistant Professor of Communication, Media and Learning Technologies Design, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • “Perseids Project and Open Philology Project Tim Buckingham, Tufts University
  • “Crowdsourcing Content Analysis” Nick Adams, UC Berkeley
  • “Improving Crowdwork with Small Group Discussions” Marti A. Hearst, Professor, School of Information, UC Berkeley

11:30-11:45am  Break

11:45-1:00pm    Panel 2, Theoretical Considerations

  • Moderated by Wanda Liebermann, co-organizer, HSSA
  • Lily Irani, Assistant Professor, Communication & Science Studies, UC San Diego
  • Trebor Scholz, Associate Professor of Culture and Media, Eugene Lang College, The New School for Liberal Arts
  • Stuart Geiger, PhD Candidate, School of Information, UC Berkeley

1:00-2:00pm     Buffet Lunch


We are soliciting contributions to an online directory of crowdsourcing projects. If you have experience working on a crowdsourcing project we are eager to hear about it!  Please provide a short summary here and include a link to your project website. This will become part of a resource for those interested in learning more about different crowdsourcing projects. By submitting you will automatically receive an email link once the website goes live.

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  Berkeley Institute for Data Sciences • CSTMS • The Division of Arts and Humanities and Digital Humanities at Berkeley • Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs Program

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