Leveraging Data Science to Address Housing Affordability

1 May 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

190 Doe Library

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Paul Waddell
Professor and Chair, City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design

Housing affordability is a chronic problem in markets like the Bay Area, and low and moderate income households are at risk of displacement from many neighborhoods that are experiencing rapid appreciation in prices and rents. Many of these neighborhoods undergoing gentrification have high levels of transit access, and there is a risk that displaced households may be forced into low-transit access neighborhoods in order to lower their housing costs. In this talk we explore some of the data, and models, we have been developing to help explore these challenges and to better inform local and regional planning efforts to address them. We use extensive data on parcels, buildings, households, businesses, transportation networks, rents and prices, to build these models. We address some of the difficulties in working with such data and some of the approaches we have developed to build usable databases and models to inform policy and planning. This event is sponsored by BIDS.

This event is sponsored by: Berkeley Institute for Data Sciences

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