Fixed: The Science-Fiction of Human Enhancement

Thursday - Wednesday
2 Oct - 12 Nov 2014

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Fixed, a film on the Science-Fiction of Human Enhancement, is pleased to announce the release of home-use DVDs.
Regan Brashear, Producer/Director of the film from Making Change Media states:

“We’re offering a 10% discount in honor of Disability Awareness Month and hope you’ll celebrate with us by ordering the film here. If you wish to share it with others at your school, place of worship, nonprofit, or business, the educational version is available here.

We’re also happy to announce upcoming viewings in Seattle, San Francisco… and locations throughout the southern United States.

We’re especially excited to announce that the University of Rochester is holding a conference based on Fixed —Complicating Normalcy: Disability, Technology, and Society in the Twenty-First Century — next month! On the festival front, the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival will hold a special screening of Fixed in November as well!”

Fixed can be seen in Toland Hall, UCSF on October 16, 2014 at 5 pm. The screening is a part of the Bay Area Reelabilities Film Festival.

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