Global STS II: Decolonial Praxis in STS

21 Oct 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type
Special Event

The STS Futures Initiative presents “Global STS II”:

Join the STS Futures Initiative as we kick off our Fall 2021 virtual program!

Please register for this event on Zoom.  


In recent years, the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS) has been undergoing what some have called a “global turn” through greater attention to knowledge production, scientific practices, and therapeutics outside of North America and Western Europe. Regional and transnational academic networks have been established to support nascent STS communities around the world. As junior scholars, many of us are interested in exploring transnational network-building, collaborative research, and decolonial praxis in STS. 

To facilitate dialogue on the intellectual and political stakes of this “global turn” and how we might become involved, STS Futures Initiative will be hosting a two-part series on Global STS. The first workshop, “Global STS I: Transnational Network Building – Asia, Oceania, and Beyond,” featured STS leaders who have pioneered new academic networks in Australia, Asia, and globally. The second workshop, “Global STS II: Decolonial Praxis in STS,” will continue the conversation, featuring STS leaders who are pioneering new publishing opportunities in STS, expanding the Euro-American “canon” in STS, and building STS communities in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.

Our panelists include Dr. Kim TallBear (University of Alberta, Canada), Dr. Leandro Rodriguez Medina (Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexico), Dr. Duygu Kaşdoğan (İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey), Angela Okune (University of California, Irvine), Dr. Jessica Kolopenuk (University of Alberta, Canada) Dr. Wambui Wamunyu (Daystar University, Kenya) and Dr. Richard Rottenburg (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa).


The event will be held on Thursday, October 21, 2021, from 10am – 11:30am Pacific Time (Santa Cruz, USA). Please register for this event on Zoom.

For more information, please contact Drs. Jaimie Morse [] (Sociology, UC Santa Cruz) and Kathleen Cruz Gutierrez [] (History, UC Santa Cruz). For accessibility details and upcoming events hosted by the STS Futures Initiative, please reach

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS • The STS Futures Initiative
The STS Futures Initiative

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