“Habeas Data” Panel Discussion

30 Aug 2018
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

202 South Hall

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Please join the Berkeley School of Information for a panel discussion featuring award-winning tech reporter Cyrus Farivar, whose new book, Habeas Data, explores how the explosive growth of surveillance technology has outpaced our understanding of the ethics, mores, and laws of privacy. Habeas Data explores ten historic court decisions that defined our privacy rights and matches them against the capabilities of modern technology. Mitch Kapor, co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation, said the book was “Essential reading for anyone concerned with how technology has overrun privacy.”

The panelists will discuss what public governance models can help local governments protect the privacy of citizens and what role citizen technologists can play in shaping these models. The discussion will showcase the ongoing collaboration between the UC Berkeley School of Information and the Oakland Privacy Advisory Commission (OPAC). Attendees will learn how they can get involved in addressing issues of governance, privacy, fairness, and justice related to state surveillance.

The panel will include:
Cyrus Farivar, Author, Habeas Data: Privacy vs. the Rise of Surveillance Tech
Deirdre Mulligan, Associate Professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley, Faculty Director, UC Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
Catherine Crump, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, UC Berkeley; Director, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic.
Camille Ochoa, Coordinator, Grassroots Advocacy; Electronic Frontier Foundation
Moderated by Steve Trush, Research Fellow, UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity

Please RSVP. For more information, visit the Berkeley School of Information website.

This event is sponsored by: School of Information