Program for the Medical Humanities “Medicine and Violence” Conference

Thursday - Friday
7 Sep - 8 Sep 2017

Event Type

Thursday, September 7:  Townsend Center Geballe Room, Stephens Hall, UC Berkeley


6:30–7pm     Hors d’oeuvres


7–8:30pm     Readers’ theater presentation of  “Brute” by American surgeon and author Richard Selzer (1928-2016).

 Moderator: Martha Stoddard Holmes, Professor, Literature and Writing Studies, CSU San Marcos.


Friday, September 8:  Room 470 Stephens Hall


8:30am            Continental Breakfast


9-10:45            Session 1 On Language

   Moderator: Marilyn McEntyre, PhD, Adjunct Professor in the Medical Humanities, UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program

“The common use of words of violence in medicine: Is there a better alternative?” Kathleen Powers, PhD Candidate in Rhetoric, UCB

“Violent Language in Global Health” Yuyang John Mei, MD, Resident physician, Family and Community Medicine, UCSF

“Violence in Medicine” Johanna Shapiro, PhD, Director, Program in Medical Humanities and Arts, Family Medicine, UC Irvine School of Medicine.


10:45–11         Coffee Break


11–12:30         Session 2On violence as psychiatric, neurologic, or social problem

   Moderator: Thomas Blair, MD, MPH

“Sociopathy and Criminal Justice: A Study in Non-Medicalization”  Thomas Blair, MD, MS, Kaiser Permanent and UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

“Mental Illness and Solitary Confinement: Natural Bedfellows”  Keramet Reiter, JD, PhD, UC Irvine Dept. of Criminology, Law & Society

“A Philosopher looks at Free Will and Violence” John Perry, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University


12:30-1:15       Lunch Break


1:15-3pm         Session 3On The Medical Response to Violence

   Moderator: Robyn Thomas, JD, Executive Director, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

“What is the appropriate response to violence from Medicine, Public Health, and Healthcare Professionals?”  Gary Slutkin, MD, Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, and Founder and Executive Director of “Cure Violence”  <>

Seth Holmes, PhD, MD, Associate Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology, UCB


3-3:15              Coffee Break


3:15–5:00        Session 4On Cutting to Cure

    Moderator: Guy Micco, MD, Clinical Professor Emeritus, UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program, Co-director UCB Program for the Medical Humanities

“A Surgeon’s Perspective on an Inherently Violent Act”  Marc Pollock, MD, MPH, former pediatric heart surgeon, UC Davis School of Medicine

“Cutting and Meaning” Meir Dan-Cohen, LLM, JSD, Milo Reese Robbins Chair in Legal Ethics, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley Law

“Cutting to Learn, Learning to Cut: violence, vivisection and the origins of medical knowledge” Thomas Laqueur, PhD, Professor of History, UCB, Co-director UCB Program for the Medical Humanities


5-5:30pm         Summary and Close


Medicine and Violence Conference Presenters

Thomas Blair, MD, MS, Associate Physician in Psychiatry, Kaiser-Permanente of Southern California, and Clinical Instructor, Psychiatry, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.


Meir Dan-Cohen, LLM, JSD, Milo Reese Robbins Chair in Legal Ethics, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley Law


Martha Stoddard Holmes, PhD, Professor of Literature and Writing Studies, CSU San Marcos


Seth M. Holmes, PhD, MD, Associate Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology, UCB School of Public Health.


Thomas W. Laqueur, PhD, Helen Fawcett Professor of History, UCB, Co-director UCB Program for the Medical Humanities


Marilyn McEntyre, PhD, Adjunct Professor in Medical Humanities, UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program.


Yuyang John Mei, MD, Resident physician, Family and Community Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine.


Guy Micco, MD, Clinical Professor Emeritus, UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program, Co-director UCB Program for the Medical Humanities


John Perry, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Stanford University


Marc Pollock, MD, MPH, former pediatric heart surgeon, UC Davis School of Medicine


Kathleen A. Powers, PhD Candidate in Rhetoric, Philosophy of Science, UCB


Keramet Reiter, JD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law & Society, UC Irvine


Johanna Shaprio, PhD, Director, Program in Medical Humanities and Arts, Family Medicine, UC Irvine School of Medicine


Gary Slutkin, MD, Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health; Founder and Executive Director of “Cure Violence”


Robyn Thomas, JD, Executive Director, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence


This event is sponsored by the UCB Program for the Medical Humanities.

Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Berkeley Center for Social  Medicine, and the UC Berkeley – UCSF Joint Medical Program.

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  Program for the Medical Humanities