Seeing Like a Valley

26 Apr 2017
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Engineering 2, room 599, UCSC Campus

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

The Science & Justice Research Center at UC Santa Cruz will host Seeing like a Valley on Wednesday, April 26th.

Hosted by the Science & Justice Research Center at UC Santa Cruz, Seeing like a Valley brings together scholars, policy makers, artists and practitioners to understand the place of the Valley in shaping not just new technologies, but moral visions. We seek to understand how these visions help and hinder abilities to recognize social problems such as growing inequalities and entrenched forms of discrimination; political polarization; declining trust in institutions; and changing labor practices.

In this first meeting we will develop a strategy for studying the moral visions of Silicon Valley. To begin the conversation, we have invited scholars and practitioners to offer their own views on the Valley, its practices, and the consequences of those practices. Our goal is to outline a year-long series of meetings that touch upon practical, theoretical, and ethical guidelines for engaging this powerful region. All are welcome to attend this meeting.

For more information, please contact Joseph Klett at