Oral History Techniques, Interviews, and Your Research in STS and History of Science

6 Oct 2016
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Bancroft Library 267: Oral History Center Conference Room

Event Type
Working Group

Paul Burnett

STS working group Event: 

Oral History Techniques, Interviews , and Your Research in STS and History of Science

Have you ever considered using interviews in your STS research? Are you interested in oral and public history? Would you like to know about collections of interviews on campus?  Join historian of science Paul Burnett to learn about the Oral History Center and its collection and to discuss informally the place of interviewing in an STS career.

Meeting at the Oral History Center Conference Room, Lib 267 in the Bancroft Library. After you enter the Bancroft Library front entrance, walk past the security desk, and it’s the only door to your left in the hallway leading to Doe Library (amongst the display cases with artifacts related to the Spanish Civil War).

Please rsvp here by no later than Monday, October 3rd. 
This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS

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