The Impact of the Drug War on U.S. Communities of Color: Politics, the Carceral State, and Collateral Damages

28 Feb 2019
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

108 North Gate Hall

Event Type
Master Class

Samuel Roberts
Associate Professor of History & Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University

Please join us on Thursday, February 28th at 12:00 pm for a discussion with Dr. Samuel Roberts regarding one of his papers, titled “The Impact of the Drug War on U.S. Communities of Color: Politics, the Carceral State, and Collateral Damages.” Please come prepared with questions and comments to facilitate the discussion.

Please RSVP here by Monday, February 25th and email CSTMS ( for the readings. Lunch will only be provided to guests who sign up by this day.

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS

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