“Time in Space: Representing the Past in Map” Workshop

10 Nov 2017
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Stanford University

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Organized by Kären Wigen and Caroline Winterer at the David Ramsey Map Center at Stanford University.

“Time in Space: Representing Time in Maps” brings together senior scholars and curators to explore a major challenge for mapmaking: how can time be conveyed through the representation of geographical features? The visual techniques that we take for granted today, such as the stratigraphic map, required deep shifts in how people understood physical space, the passage of time, and aesthetics. Participants represent a broad range of academic backgrounds including geography, history, and art history, and will treat a variety of contexts, from East Asia to Europe to the Americas. This conference will pave the way for an illustrated volume with the University of Chicago Press, the leading publisher in history of science and cartography. Members of the public are warmly invited to participate in the opening session, “Mapping Time,” on the afternoon of Friday, November 10, 2017. Please register here.

For further information, please contact the conference’s graduate coordinator: Charlotte Thun-Hohenstein.


Event will be held at the David Ramsey Map Center, which is located at 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA.

This event is sponsored by: Stanford University

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