Transacademics: Making Use of Interdisciplinary Research Methods Outside of the Academy

2 Nov 2013
10:30 am - 5:30 pm

Science & Justice Research Center, Oakes College, Room 231

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Science & Justice Research Center, UCSC

Third Meeting of the Bay Area Intercampus Workshop on Interdisciplinarity

This workshop will consider how interdisciplinary research methods and knowledges can be used outside of specialized academic venues, with a particular focus on the importance of collaboration. Scholars who are drawn to interdisciplinary inquiry are often in search of knowledge that has more purchase on ‘real world’ problems. We will discuss how to accomplish this from positions that are both inside and outside of the traditional university setting, sharing insights from our own work, our institutions, and from experts who are now applying interdisciplinary training outside of the university.

Attendees are encouraged to prepare a 5 minute lightning talk that very briefly describes their research project and shares an insight, challenge or question about interdisciplinary collaboration that has arisen from their experience. Lightning talks are allowed a maximum of 3 slides. Attendees who do not want to give a lightning presentation are also welcome for the entire day.

Registration is free and lunch is provided. Please RSVP to Colleen Massengale at by October 15, 2013. When you RSVP please indicate whether you have special dietary needs and if you intend to give a lightning talk.

10:30-11:00  Gather
11:00-11:15  Opening Remarks and brief introduction to the Science & Justice Research Center (Reardon and Metcalf)
11:15-12:45 Guest Speakers:
Natalie Purcell (Director of Collaborative Patient Care, Veterans Administration in San Francisco)
Karen Andrade (Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management and The Science Shop, UC Berkeley)
12:45-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:00 Optional walk and chat (dress for walking on moderate hills)
2:00-3:45 Lightning Talks
4:15-4:30 Break
4:30-5:30 Open Discussion

This event is sponsored by: Science & Justice Research Center