Transfiguring Water Politics: Queer and Trans Tactics in Resistance Film-Making

27 Apr 2017
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

470 Stephens Hall

Event Type

The Gold Fish Casino is a queer slapstick musical film about salmon migration and the uprising of an emergent water commons. In this screening followed by lively conversation, we will explore the role of queer political art in the current moment, how fantastic surrealities can resist alt-facts, and how art-science collaborations can reshape discourses of knowledge production. We look forward to sharing strategies with colleagues from Uppsala and Berkeley on transspecies, transnational, feminist possibilities of world-shaping.

The Gold Fish Casino Trailer

Woelfle-Erskine, C. and J. Cole. (2015) ‘Transfiguring the Anthropocene: Stochastic Reimaginings of Human Beaver Worlds.’ Transgender Studies Quarterly, Special Issue: Animal Trans. 2 (2). 297-316; doi:10.1215/23289252-2867625.

With the participation of:

Sarolta Cump (Director of The Gold Fish Casino and Lecturer, Department of Women and Gender Studies, SFSU)

Oskar Cole (Screenwriter of The Gold Fish Casino and poet, E.A.R.T.H. Lab, UC Santa Cruz and Comparative History of Ideas, UW Seattle)

Cleo Woelfle-Erskine (UC President’s Fellow, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz and Assistant Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, UW Seattle)

Visitors from the research node ‘Science, Validation, Partial Perspectives: Knowledge Production Beyond the Norms’ (Uppsala University, Sweden). Their interests are in the effects of political realities and epistemological assumptions that structure knowledge production as well as the subversive potential of academic research – especially in relation to gender, sexuality, race and species, and in intersection with artistic investigations.

Organized by Doris Leibetseder (Visiting Scholar, CSTMS, UC Berkeley; Researcher, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Sweden).

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  CSTMS