Workshop on Mathematical Reasoning

Friday - Saturday
9 Feb - 10 Feb 2018

Stanford University

Event Type
Non-CSTMS Event

Jonathan Ettel, Stanford University
Arezoo Islami, Stanford University
Rebecca Morris, Stanford University
John Mumma, California State University of San Bernardino
Marco Panza, IHPTS, CNRS Paris 1 / Chapman University
James Walsh, UC Berkeley

Patrick Suppes Center for History and Philosophy of Science

Silvia De Toffoli and Becky Morris (Contact:
Find the rooms at Stanford Searchable Map

––– PROGRAM –––

FRIDAY 9th February — Location: (Education) EDUC 206
10:30-11:30 // Becky Morris, “The Value of ‘Reusing’ in Mathematical Practice”
11:45-12:45 // James Walsh, “Epistemic Aspects of Consistency Proofs”

SATURDAY 10th February — Location: (Jordan Hall) 420-050
10:30-11:30 // Marco Panza, “Platonism and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice”
11:45-12:45 // Arezoo Islami, “The Applicability of Mathematics as a ‘Problem'”

2:00-3:00 // John Mumma, “Representational Semantics and the Elementary Geometry of Figures”
3:15-4:15 // Jonathan Ettel, “Mechanical Curves and Practical Mechanics in Geometrical Physics”
4:30-5:30 // Workshop Discussion


More information can be found at Stanford Department of Philosophy 

This event is sponsored by: Stanford University