Berkeley Papers in History of Science

To expedite work in history of science and technology and to stimulate exploration of untended ground, the Office for History of Science and Technology publishes the series BERKELEY PAPERS IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE: edited volumes, monographs, bibliographies, inventories, and finding aids to published and unpublished sources.

To buy these publications, see Purchase and Subscription Info:

21. Reappraising Oppenheimer: Centennial studies and reflections. Oppenheimer book cover
Edited by Cathryn Carson and David A. Hollinger. 2005.
More information on Reappraising Oppenheimer is available here
$14.00 Oppenheimer Cover

20. Michael Frayn’s Copenhagen in debate: Historical essays and documents on the 1941 meeting between Copenhagen book coverNiels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.
Edited by Matthias Dörries. 2005.
More information on Michael Frayn’s ‘Copenhagen’ in debate is available here
$12.00 Copenhagen Cover

19. The structure of knowledge: Classifications of science and learning since the Renaissance.  Volume 19 cover
Edited by Tore Frängsmyr. 2001.
$25.00 Volume 19

18. Laboratories, workshops, and sites. Concepts and practices of research in industrial Europe , 1800-1914. volume 18
By Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini. 1999.
$25.00. Volume 18

17. A scientific correspondence during the chemical revolution: Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau and Volume 17 coverRichard Kirwan, 1782-1802.
Edited by Emmanuel Grison, Michelle Goupil and Patrice Bret. 1994.
$25.00. Volume 17

16. The new calendar of the correspondence of Pierre Simon Laplace. Volume 16 cover
Compiled by Roger Hahn. 1994.
$12.00. Volume 16

15. Biology and social thought: 1850-1914.  Volume 15 cover
Peter J. Bowler, 1993.
$20.00. Volume 15

14. Between biology and medicine: The formation of intermediary metabolism. Volume 14 cover
Frederic L. Holmes, 1992.
$20.00. Volume 14

13. Weighing imponderables and other quantitative science around 1800.Volume 13 cover
J.L. Heilbron. 1993.
$25.00. Volume 13

12. Eighteenth-century chemistry as an investigative enterprise. Volume 12 cover
Frederic L. Holmes. 1989.
$20.00. Volume 12

11. The Nobel population 1901-1937. A census of the nominators and nominees for the prizes in physics and chemistry.
Compiled by Elisabeth Crawford, J.L. Heilbron, and Rebecca Ullrich. 1987.
$25.00. Volume 11

10. Guide to sources in Northern California for history of science and technology. Volume 10 cover
Compiled by Robin E. Rider and Henry E. Lowood. 1985.
$12.00. Volume 10

9. Werner Heisenberg. A bibliography of his writings. Volume 9 cover
Compiled by David C. Cassidy and Martha Baker. 1984.
$12.00. Volume 9

8. Calendar of the correspondence of Pierre Simon Laplace. sold out icon
Compiled by Roger Hahn. 1982. See Volume 16 for revision.
$12.00. Out of stock .
Sold Out

7. A bibliography of early modern algebra, 1500-1800. sold out icon
Compiled by Robin E. Rider. 1982.
$12.00. Out of stock .
Sold Out

6. An inventory of published letters to and from physicists, 1900-1950. volume 5 cover because there is no image for 6
Compiled by Bruce R. Wheaton and J.L. Heilbron. 1982.
Volumes 5 and 6 are available as a set for $35.00.
Volume 5

5. Literature on the history of physics in the 20th century. Volume 5 cover
Compiled by J.L. Heilbron and Bruce R. Wheaton. 1981.
$25.00. Volume 5

4. Ernest Rutherford. A bibliography of his non-technical writings.  Volume 4 cover
Compiled by Henry Lowood. 1979.
$10.00. Volume 4

3. A bibliography of quantitative studies on science and its history. Volume 3 cover
Compiled by Roger Hahn. 1980.
$10.00. Volume 3

2. William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg. A bibliography of their non-technical writings. Volume 2 cover
Compiled by Henry Lowood. 1978.
$10.00. Volume 2

1. Max Planck. A bibliography of his non-technical writings. sold out icon
Compiled by Henry Lowood. 1977.
$10.00. Out of stock.
Sold Out

Other Publications

Lawrence and his laboratory: nuclear science at Berkeley, 1931-1961 by J.L. Heilbron, R.W. Seidel and B.R. Wheaton. 1981. $12.00.

A subject index to historical studies in the physical sciences, vols.1-10, 1969-1979. Compiled by J.G. May, 1984. $10.00.
Abstracts. International Congress of History of Science. 1985. 2 vols. $30.00.

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