Deadline for Submission: May 12, 2017
The inaugural Science and Technology Studies Article Award will be awarded in fall 2017 by the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society for an outstanding piece of scholarship by a UC Berkeley or UCSF graduate student in the field of Science and Technology Studies. The prize consists of a certificate of recognition and a check for US $500.
Only currently enrolled UC Berkeley graduate students and STS Designated Emphasis students are eligible to submit a paper for this competition. If receipt of PhD (or other terminal graduate degree) is held by the submission deadline, those degree recipients are not eligible for the competition.
The competition is for graduate student papers in the field of science and technology studies, including unpublished papers, unpublished journal articles, and dissertation chapters. Dissertation chapters should be adapted so as to make them “stand-alone.” The work may not be older than two years at the time of submission. A graduate student can only make one submission a year. A paper that is coauthored by a faculty member is not considered a graduate student paper. However, a paper coauthored by current graduate students only (with no faculty authors) is eligible.
The intended readership for the papers is a general STS audience. All papers must be submitted in English. The paper should not exceed 10,000 words, including title, notes, and references. Papers longer than the limit will be disqualified.
Students wishing to submit in this year’s competition are asked to make a presentation of their paper in draft at one of two scheduled working group meeting dates in spring 2017 (details to be circulated in the spring semester):
- Thursday, April 6
- Friday, April 7
Working group participants will have an opportunity to review and comment on manuscripts in draft through these sessions.
The deadline for submission of the final manuscript is Friday, May 17, the last day of Spring semester. Papers submitted after this date will not be considered for this year’s competition, and must be resubmitted the following year. Submissions must observe the following guidelines:
- The paper must be submitted electronically, as an attachment to an email message, in MS Word or PDF format.
- The subject line of the email message should read “Science and Technology Studies Article Competition submission.”
- The filename of the submission should consist of the first two significant words of the paper title (excluding articles such as “the” or “an”).
- Authors must include the total word count immediately after the title on the first page of their submission.
- To facilitate blind review, the author’s name, address, email address, and institutional affiliation should appear only in the covering e-mail.
- Also in the covering email, authors must provide the name of their graduate program, the date they began study, and the date they expect to receive their degree and the date when draft paper was presented in the working group meeting.
Send the submission to cstms@berkeley.edu.
The award will be announced at the Fall 2017 CSTMS reception.