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DATA C104: Summer 2024 STS Minor Elective

May 31st, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

DATA C104: Summer 2024 STS Minor Elective

Human Contexts and Ethics of Data- DATA/History/STS Jul 17 2024 – Aug 09 2024 TU, W, TH 2:00 pm – 3:59 pm Dwinelle 145 Class #:15608 Units:4 Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction Class Description: This course teaches you to use the tools of applied historical thinking and Science, Technology, and Society (STS) to recognize, analyze, and shape the human contexts… Read more

HISTORY 100S: Summer 2024 STS Minor Elective

April 26th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

HISTORY 100S: Summer 2024 STS Minor Elective

Special Topics in the History of Science: The History of Silicon Valley Jul 01 2024 – Aug 09 2024 TU, W, TH 2:00 pm – 4:30 pmLewis 9, UC Berkeley CampusClass #:15650Units:4 Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction Class Description: Silicon Valley: the place where our quotidian is manufactured. The Hollywood of the digital, it’s the literal ground upon which… Read more

HSNS 54.1: A Special Issue of Essays: Pedagogy in the History of Science and Medicine

April 22nd, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

HSNS 54.1: A Special Issue of Essays: Pedagogy in the History of Science and Medicine

The HSNS February 2024 Issue marks the first for a new “Essays and Reviews” editorial team: Melinda Baldwin and Brigid Vance. From the Editorial Team: Henry Cowles and Chitra Ramalingam have left us big shoes to fill, and we want to express our appreciation for everything they have done for both HSNS and us during this editorial… Read more

Socialist Medicine 2-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Berlin

March 8th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

Socialist Medicine 2-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Berlin

The Erc Socialist Medicine research group at Humboldt University in Berlin is looking to hire a postdoctoral research fellow for two years The deadline for applications is April 17, 2024. Socialist Medicine pushes the boundaries of global health history by shifting the focus of research in terms of place, people, and institutions to the socialist… Read more

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Lecturer Positions Open

March 6th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Lecturer Positions Open

Lecturer Pool – All Specializations – Department of History Next review date: Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 at 11:59pm. APPLY HERE CSTMS and the Department of History are looking for lecturers to teach two summer courses: (1) History of Silicon Valley(2) Plagues and People: A History of Modern Medicine     APPLICATION WINDOW Open date: February 28, 2024 Next… Read more

Undergraduate Minor in STS Deadline Approaching

March 5th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

Applications for the STS Undergraduate Minor are now open. The deadline to apply is April 5th, 2024! As our students enter into a world of accelerating change, it has become ever more important that these future scientists, engineers, computer and data scientists, health care practitioners, social scientists, teachers, policymakers, and more be able to reason… Read more

Jordan Mursinna’s Article Published in the Journal of the History of Biology

March 4th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

Jordan Mursinna’s Article Published in the Journal of the History of Biology

CSTMS Affiliate and Visiting Lecturer for the Department of History at the University of California, Berkeley, Jordan Thomas Mursinna, has written an article for the Journal of the History of Biology. Article Abstract | British systematics was distinctly marked by a raft of vituperative controversies around the turn of the 1830s. After the local collapse… Read more

Essay Contest in the Histories of Health, Medicine, and Science in the Global Long Dureé

February 14th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

Essay Contest in the Histories of Health, Medicine, and Science in the Global Long Dureé

Application open February 1st – April 1st, 2024 The Department of History at the University of Texas at Arlington, as part of the 58th Annual Walter Prescott Webb Lecture Series, invites original, article-length essays (10,000 words including footnotes) on a topic related to Histories of Health, Medicine, and Science in the Global Long Durée in South… Read more

Call for 2024 RCC Landhaus Fellows

February 13th, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

Call for 2024 RCC Landhaus Fellows

  Apply here! The deadline for applications is 28 February 2024.   The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten are pleased to invite applications for their fellowship program based at the Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten(link is external) (an organic farm outside of Munich). Launched in January 2022, the Landhaus Fellowship Program is a residential program. Ten fellows live… Read more

SIGCIS and SHOT Conference in Viña del Mar, Chile: Call for Proposals due 2/12

January 23rd, 2024  |  by  |  published in Latest news | Leave A Comment »

SIGCIS and SHOT Conference in Viña del Mar, Chile: Call for Proposals due 2/12

The Special Interest Group in Computing, Information, and Society (SIGCIS) Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the CFP for their 2024 SIGCIS Conference, SYSTEM UPDATE. Their keynote for the event is Anita Say Chan, Associate Professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The SIGCIS Conference is the leading annual international… Read more

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PMH sponsors interdisciplinary courses on such topics as aging and old age, suffering, and death. See syllabi of select courses.
