Financial Support for CSTMS Graduate Students

For current STS Designated Emphasis and History of Science Graduate Field students, grants are available for related conferences and fieldwork. Application deadlines are once per year, May 1st. Applications are for activities falling between November 1st of the prior calendar year and October 31st of the current calendar year.

Guidelines are as follows:

Students must be currently enrolled in either the History of Science Graduate Field, or the Science and Technology Studies Designated Emphasis.

Students are allowed to apply once per calendar year for support related to conferences and fieldwork. Students who have not applied for funds before will be prioritized.

To receive conference funding, you must be presenting a paper.

Applications will be judged on the basis of how the grant advances the student’s development as an STS or History of Science scholar.

Students are expected to first apply for support from home departments.

Awards range in value, but will not exceed $500 per student.

Normal expenses associated with graduate school, such as book purchases, will not usually be funded.

Download application form here. Applications must not exceed the two page form.

Send completed applications to with the subject “STS DE Student Funding Application – [your name].”

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