STS 250 Offered this Fall

July 31st, 2013  |  Published in Latest news

Water revolving in a circle

This interdisciplinary graduate seminar is aimed at graduate students who are interested in the broad area of Science and Technology Studies and who are undertaking significant writing projects (dissertation chapters, research papers, journal articles, or conference papers) during the fall 2013 semester. The course’s major activity will be to serve as a writing lab in which students will share their writing in progress for discussion, critique, and feedback. Students will also gain insight into how to develop key academic professional skills. Depending on student needs, we will hold several panels on these skills. Above all, the course will be grounded in a collaborative learning community where students will share their knowledge, ideas, and tips with each other in a highly interdisciplinary, nurturing environment.

Students completing the PhD Designated Emphasis in STS are required to take this course.


Professor Alastair Iles

Wednesdays, 10 am – 12 pm; 104 GPB
2 credits

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