Fall 2013 STS and Related Courses

August 20th, 2013  |  Published in Latest news

The following is a list of courses featured this semester by some of our Designated Emphasis faculty. Topics range from science and technology studies to the history of science. Please consult the UC Berkeley schedule of classes here for more information on the courses listed below.


Science and Technology Studies C200

“Topics in Science and Technology Studies”

W 9-12pm, 470 Stephens

David Winickoff

CCN 79602


Science and Technology Studies C250

“Science and Technology Research Seminar”

W 10-12pm, 104 GPB

Alastair Iles

CCN 79603


Anthropology 189

“Bio-Power, Bio-Sociality, Bio-Design”

TuTh 12:30-2pm, 182 Dwinelle

Paul Rabinow

CCN 02674


City and Regional Planning C251

“Environmental Planning and Regulation”

Tu 9-12pm, 314B Wurster

Jason Corburn

CCN 13812


City and Regional Planning 256

“Healthy Cities”

W 2-5pm, 214B Wurster

Jason Corburn

CCN 13815


History C188A

“Art and Science”

TuTh 9:30-11am, 145 Dwinelle

Massimo Mazzotti

CCN 39668


History C191

“Death, Dying, and Modern Medicine: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives”

TuTh 2-3:30pm, 106 Stanley

Thomas Laqueur

CCN 39669


History 275S

“History of Science”

Tu 2-4pm, 470 Stephens Hall

Massimo Mazzotti

CCN 39741


Music 220

Music and Technology: Historical and Critical Approaches”

W 1-4pm, 242 Morrison Hall

Deirdre Loughridge

CCN 60869

Course description: This seminar draws on a wide range of disciplines to develop historical and critical understandings of the relationship between music and technology. We will focus especially on questions of how new technologies emerge, stabilize and change; their implications for music making, aesthetics and ontology; and the potential relationships between humans and objects. Through engagement with such questions, the course aims to prepare students to write new kinds of (music) history and ethnography, to intervene in debates about the digital and its consequences, and to inform their design and use of music technologies.

Course syllabus


Rhetoric 104

“The Unconscious in Modern Culture”

M W 4 – 5:30pm, 215 Dwinelle

Mario Wimmer

CCN 77884


Other Events of Interest