Call for Papers: Fields of Inquiry: Science Crossing Scales, Epistemologies, and Environments

November 16th, 2013  |  Published in Latest news

Abstract Deadline: 15 January 2014

Graduate students and early career Ph.D.’s from across the humanities and social sciences whose work focuses on the study of science in society are invited to submit proposals for this interdisciplinary graduate student conference to be held at UC Berkeley on 7-8 March 2014.

We welcome proposals that challenge scales, epistemologies, and environments, that is to say the “space and place” of science, in ways that advance the understanding of the relationship between science and society. Potential panels will broadly discuss the relationships between science and space. Possible topics include: natural environments; private and public spaces; architectural artifacts; and laboratory and fieldwork. In addition to presentations of research, some conference panels will discuss the pedagogical aspects of research techniques, particularly in STEM fields (K-12 and undergraduate), and we welcome proposals in the area of pedagogy.

Fields of Inquiry Call Poster

Download our Call for Papers Poster

An abstract of no more than 300 words should be sent to Please include sufficient detail explaining your proposed paper, panel idea, or workshop, and how it relates both to the conference’s theoretical approach towards the study of science in society, as well as the general thematic area it addresses (e.g., teaching, innovative research, etc).

Image: Transport II by Eric J. Heller