CFP for CSTMS Co-Sponsored Symposium: Crowdsourcing and the Academy

September 3rd, 2015  |  Published in Latest news

A crowd of graduates in black robes
On November, 6, 2015, UC Berkeley’s Humanities and Social Sciences Association (HSSA) will hold a symposium, Crowdsourcing and the academy: Exploring promises and problems of collective intelligence methods in humanities and social science research on the UC Berkeley campus.  The purpose of this event is to explore the premises, promises, and risks of crowdsourcing in the social sciences and humanities.  Long the arena of industry, and more recently, the physical sciences, the humanities and social sciences increasingly are turning to networked knowledge production, enabling new scales and modes of public participation in academic research. For symposium details, please consult the event website. The half-day event will open with an introductory keynote presentation, to be followed by two panels, and close with a buffet lunch. The first panel will feature scholars who are engaged in crowdsourcing projects, and the second panel will offer analysis of the cultural and social implications of this method.
Call for ProposalsWe invite scholars and educators of all academic levels that are currently involved in a crowdsourcing project to submit a short abstract to present on the first panel. The deadline to submit a proposal is September 18, 2015.

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