The 16th Annual STS/ STP Conference in Washington, DC is at the National Academy of Science and American Association for the Advancement of Science building on April 8-9, 2016.
The STGlobal Consortium is a group of universities with students interested in science & technology studies (STS), science & technology policy (STP), and other related topics.
Paper Submissions:
We welcome submissions under two categories: individual paper abstracts and poster abstracts. We strongly encourage work that highlights the interdisciplinarity of these fields and engages in creative uses of theory or methodology in areas such as health, energy, sustainability, social justice, education, innovation and emerging technologies policy, research policy, and history of science and technology.
Individual Paper Submission:
Any student currently enrolled in a graduate program at any institution around the world (at the time of submission) is eligible to submit an abstract for research related to STS or STP topics. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should clearly state the project’s research questions, theoretical framework, methodologies, and findings.
Poster Submission:
As of the 2015 conference, we include an informal poster presentation session for undergraduate researchers interested in engaging with the STS and STP communities. Poster abstracts should follow the guidelines for individual paper submissions.
Submit Abstracts Here.
Deadline for submission: February 26, 2016.