Call for Abstracts: 15th Annual Meeting in London, June 23-25, 2016
University College London (June 23-24) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (June 25)
The Science and Democracy Network (SDN) was established in 2002 to enhance the quality and significance of scholarship in science and technology studies (STS) by training young professionals and by forging links between STS and related fields of study and practice.
The Workshop Planning Committee invites abstracts (up to 300 words) on a theme appropriate for discussion at the workshop. The closing date for abstract submissions is March 15, 2016. We will make decisions on which abstracts to accept by about a month from that date.
The workshop will be organized as in previous years around the following themes:
- Institutions: Role of governmental and non-governmental institutions in producing, using, disseminating or contesting authoritative knowledge; institutions with claims to epistemic authority include NGOs, corporations, international governmental organizations, scientific institutions, the state and its agencies.
- Citizenship and Participation: Forms and modes of citizen mobilization and expression around scientific or technological issues, including (new) social movements, new forms of participation, consumer activism, patient groups, indigenous peoples, and “liminal citizens” (endangered species, animals, embryos, and stem cells, for example).
- Communication and Representation: Intersection between political and expert or professional discourses; role of mass media in presenting science, with particular interest in visual representation; political implications of information and communication technologies, databases, identification technologies, etc.
You should submit your abstracts via the online form. Decisions will be made in April. Questions should be directed to Shana Rabinowich at shana_rabinowich@hks.harvard.edu.
See more here.