The Center welcomes faculty members, student, visiting scholar and fellows to submit activities to be reported in affiliate news each month. Please email a brief description of what you have been doing to cstmsnews@berkeley.edu.
Angelo and Jameson both presented at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting (AAG). Angelo’s talk was titled, “Learning Imperialism: Meteorology as Infrastructure of Geographical Knowledge in Italian East Africa.” Jameson presented the talk, “Borders of Flame: Fire Science in British India.”
Levi Checketts
Levi recently published a paper on facial recognition and moral epistemology. The chapter can be found in “Recognizing the Face and Facial Recognition,” in Social Epistemology and Technology: Toward Public Self-Awareness Regarding Technological Mediation, ed. Frank Scalambrino (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016).
Marcus is currently a visiting researcher at UCLA’s Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics. UCLA is conducting a “long program” over the spring quarter in “Cultural Analytics.” He would also like to take the opportunity to thank Cori Hayden for her recommendation.
Max presented a colloquium paper for the UC Santa Cruz Music Department (Feb. 28) titled, “Waves not Particles: J.S. Bach’s ‘Goldberg’ Variations as a Rebuttal of Sir Isaac Newton’s 31 Queries.”