New NSF Workshop Grant: Social Science Insights for 21st Century Data Science Education (SSI)

September 6th, 2017  |  Published in Latest news

Crucial coding elements pointing to data science circle

CSTMS Faculty member, Cathryn Carson, with Co-PIs Saul Perlmutter (BIDS) and David Culler (EECS) have just received a workshop award under the NSF’s new Growing Convergent Research portfolio.

A pair of workshops will be conducted to develop innovative ways of incorporating social science findings about the practice of data science and insights from educational research into data science curricula. The workshop series will develop elements of 21st-century data science education anchored in the doing of data science in disciplinary research settings. Workshop participants will form a community of practice with practicing data scientists, educators, and social scientists working together. This project promotes Convergence by integrating insights from social science research and education research in the context of addressing the problem of how to teach data science and develop the appropriate curricular materials.

The UC Berkeley project, among 23 newly awarded projects, will foster Convergence to address grand challenges in the context of five of NSF’s “10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments,” a set of cutting-edge research agendas uniquely suited for NSF’s broad portfolio of investments. Those five ideas are: Harnessing the Data Revolution; Navigating the New Arctic; The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution; Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Shaping the Future; and Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype. Read more about the recent awardees here.

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