CTSP 2018 Fellows Application

November 3rd, 2017  |  Published in Latest news


The Center for Technology, Society & Policy (CTSP) invites project proposals from small teams or individuals for our annual fellows application cycle. CTSP selects project proposals that fit within our areas of focus, and fund each team member as fellow for the 2018 calendar year. This year’s areas of focus include: Sensors & Society, Democracy + Technology, Vital Questions, Fairness* and Opacity* and more information about these areas may be found HERE. Fellows are invited to participate in CTSP events and outreach activities throughout the year in support of their team project as well as their individual research interests.

Project proposals are due on December 11, 2017 by 11:59 p.m. PST on the CTSP website. To better understand the types of projects CTSP has funded in the past, view the project pages and fellow pages on the website. Selected fellows with an interest in cybersecurity are also eligible to become joint fellows with the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC). See more here.


What to Submit

Proposals will be submitted in three parts:

  • Part 1 — Application Form
    Please fill out and attach the application form.
  • Part 2 — De-identified project proposal
    Please remove personally identifying information in this first part so that proposal review can be based on the quality of the project idea rather than the identities of those involved, to the extent possible. In approximately 2 pages, please describe your project, its length, how it addresses your chosen focus area(s), and the desired outcome(s) of your project. Details are useful, but please be succinct. Figures, sketches, hyperlinks, and references are welcomed though not required, and you can take an additional page to include these if necessary.
  • Part 3 — Identified team description
    In one page, please describe each member of your team, their relevant skills and experiences, and any skill(s) they hope to develop as a result of their work on the project. Please also include what each team member proposes to contribute to the project, and any interest they have in building the broader CTSP community (for example by blogging, or connecting people who should meet). If any team member has experience in the public sphere (blogging, speaking, disseminating ideas, hosting events, etc.), please note that as well.

Please submit these three parts as separate PDFs. Only one application per group, please.

Applications are due Monday, December 11, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.

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